Friday, July 10, 2009

台灣人就是平埔族, 台灣人不是中國人

"Pingpu Taiwanese Identification Campaign" (台灣平埔族正名運動).
「台灣人就是平埔族! 台灣人不是中國人!」
"Ethnically, Taiwanese are NOT Chinese!"
"Taiwanese are Pingpu!"

The indigenous inhabitants in Taiwan, the tribes living in the high mountains and the Pingpu tribes living on the plains, all are the descendants of the "Southern Islanders"; their living in Taiwan can be traced back to 50,000 years ago. For hundreds of years, at different times, many "young men" from China came to Taiwan to pursue a new life and a new hope; they settled down in Taiwan and married Pingpu women and their children grew up in Taiwan; .... Today the blood analysis reveals that after staying in Taiwan for three or four generations , the characteristics of the blood (the DNA) of the descendants of those early immigrants from China, are 80% or greater, the same as those of Pingpu. In a word, the so-called "Holo" or "Haka" inhabitans nowadays in Taiwan, they are actually "Pingpu" people instead of "Chinese people". They are NOT Chinese; they are "Pingpu Taiwanese"!

The KMT has used the Great-China- Chauvinism to brainwash Taiwanese to believe that "Ethnically, Taiwanese are Chinese."

Today, when Taiwan is being sold out to China by that Mr. Ma, when Taiwan is under the threat of the imminent annexation by China, Taiwanese should speak out loudly:

"Ethnically, Taiwanese are NOT Chinese!"
"Taiwanese are Pingpu!"

Last night, when I tried to sign up my endorsement for the "Pingpu Taiwanese Identification Campaign", on the top of the endorsement list, I saw three familiar names of our FAPA members, Mark Cheng, Yang-ching Liu and Wu Ming-chi, my heart was touched and I wrote down a message as follows:

台灣的原住民, 包括住在山上的高山族和住在平地的平埔族, 都是南島語糸的子民, 在台灣己經居住了大約五萬年! 早年從唐山來的羅漢腳, 在台灣結婚生子, 三四代以後, 他們的子孫身上都流著百分之八十以上的平埔族血液; 因此世居在台灣的所謂「福佬人」, 「客家人」, 實際上正確地說, 都是「台灣平埔族」! 

國民黨一向用「大中國沙文主義」給台灣人洗腦, 總是說:「從血緣上說, 台灣人是中國人.」 (KMT -- Ethnically, Taiwanese are Chinese. -- KMT).

今天台灣己經到了反賣台, 反併吞的危急時刻; 台灣人應該大聲的說出: 「台灣人不是中國人, 台灣人是平埔族!」 (Ethnically, Taiwanese are NOT Chinese; Taiwanese are Pingpu!).


力抗強權台灣人, 倒馬救台反併吞!
平埔正名, 台灣加油!

B.H. 6/23/2009
找回自己的祖先, 尊敬自己的祖先!!




B.H. 7/8/2009

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